Odoo erp

Odoo ERP es un sistema de gestión empresarial (ERP) de código abierto que proporciona una amplia gama de aplicaciones integradas, con el paso de los años a evolucionado a ser una suite completa que abarca áreas vitales de cualquier empresa. Desde pequeños negocios hasta grandes corporativos, Odoo ERP se adapta a diversas necesidades y sectores.

Módulos de odoo

We have the ERP that has everything your business needs.

What distinguishes Odoo is its modular approach. The platform has a variety of modules that can be customized and configured according to the specific needs of each company. Some of these modules include:

  • Accounting
  • Human Resources
  • Inventory
  • Sales & CRM
  • E-commerce
  • and more...

You can learn more about Odoo on our blog:
what is odoo?

What we do at Vauxoo:

As a certified Odoo Gold Partner in the most recent versions of this ERP, we are responsible for the implementation of Odoo with exclusive specifications for companies, with dedicated attention at each stage and coverage of the specific needs of your industry or sector.

Shall we start the journey?

Our process has 4 stages in which we will assess your needs through a GAP analysis, implement your Odoo instance, go live, and finally provide support.

The first step is right below!

Begin my journey  Explore more


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