What is Payroll management?
The payroll constitutes a detailed record of the services provided by an employee to a company. In addition to confirming payment for said services, this document breaks down benefits, bonuses, overtime and legal deductions, thus ensuring the transparency and legality of labor transactions. It also allows us to generate accounting related to staff payment.
Ventajas de Automatizar la Nómina con Odoo

Automating payroll using specialized software such as Odoo brings a series of significant benefits for companies:
- Reduction of Time and Errors: Automation speeds up the calculation of days worked, contributions and deductions, eliminating the need for manual manipulation and reducing errors in records.
- Data Accessibility and Security: Being hosted in a digital system, payroll information is accessible for internal audit and protected against unauthorized manipulation, guaranteeing the integrity and confidentiality of the records.
- Scalability and Legal Compliance: Commercial payroll systems like Odoo are regularly updated to comply with changes in employment legislation, ensuring calculations are aligned with current regulations. This eliminates the need for manual adjustments and ensures uniform interpretation of labor regulations.
Odoo modules to cover the Costa Rican payroll

Employee module
This module provides an overview of each department, allowing you to organize your employees according to work hours, position or contractual status. This way, you will have a complete overview of your work team.
In addition, you will be able to manage contracts, update the skills of collaborators and organize according to the company's organizational chart.

Absences and approvals module
This module allows you to set absence approval and validation settings, configure custom notifications, and adapt display options to your needs.
All your team's leave requests are centralized in a single dashboard, providing the information needed to instantly grant leave and maintain effective work time management.
Supplementary modules

Expense module
This module allows you to easily maintain and manage travel expenses, office supplies or any other expense item for your company. Expense categories are pre-configured, and by installing the Expenses app, you will be able to access some categories that will allow you to start creating expense records right away.
You will be able to view the data you need with personalized reports, showing all the relevant information, such as expenses by employee, category, dates, and use filters or groups that you can save for easier access.

Recruitment module
This module streamlines the selection process, making it easier to identify suitable talent for your team quickly and efficiently. It offers complete tracking of job offers, candidates and planned activities. Additionally, it provides detailed statistics for each position in an integrated dashboard.
You will be able to configure personalized workflows that fit your hiring processes, with automated stages that facilitate communication with candidates and their progress in the process. Additionally, you will have access to detailed reports on your recruiting tactics, allowing you to optimize your hiring strategies.
Types of contribution
Now that we have reviewed the modules that we are going to use, it is equally important to take into account the types of contributions necessary to prepare the payroll. Below, we detail them:
Employer payroll contribution
Health and motherhood.
Basic pension plan.
Popular bank employer rate.
Family's asignations.
Social assistance (IMAS).
Contribution from the popular employer bank.
Labor capitalization fund.
Complementary pension fund.
National Insurance Institute (INS).
Employee contributions
Employee payroll contributions.
Medicine and motherhood.
Disability, old age and death benefits.
Savings banks for workers.
Total cost of employees.
Benefits of the Vauxoo module

The Vauxoo module stands out for its ability to automate the calculation of deductions for disabilities, work permits, absences and loans to employees, as well as for its functionality to manage the bonus efficiently. Below we detail its benefits:
- Cuenta con reglas salariales para la planilla de una empresa constituida en Costa Rica.
- Permite generar el archivo TXT para el pago de pólizas del INS.
- Permite generar archivos TXT para pago de nómina en bancos.
- Cálculo de Nómina de manera automática, semanal, quincenal, mensual.
- Cálculo de aguinaldo de manera automática.
- Asientos contables de nómina, puede ser por empleado o grupal. Esto permite generar y clasificar las provisiones de manera automática cada una de las responsabilidades sociales de la empresa.
- Cálculo automático de deducciones de empleados por incapacidades, permisos laborales, ausencias, préstamos a empleados, asociación solidarista.
- Gestión de préstamos personales a empleados.
- Distribución del gasto de nómina en centros de costo.
The Vauxoo module was created to adapt and complete the Odoo modules to the salary rules of Costa Rica and obtain an efficient flow in payroll calculation.
We leave you with our webinar where we explain everything about the Vauxoo modules and the Costa Rica payroll in Odo