Management of absences

La gestión de ausencias es uno de los elementos más importantes para el departamento de RRHH, su correcto o incorrecto registro y cumplimiento impacta en diversas áreas de la gestión administrativa de las empresas.

The management of absences is one of the most important elements for the HR department, its correct or incorrect registration and compliance impacts various areas of the administrative management of companies.

What is absence management?

Absence from work is everything related to certain circumstances that keep the employee out of work for a period of time, they can be due to leave, vacations, among others. Because all are required and regulated by law, an accurate record of the times must be kept and what type of absence corresponds.

As a result, absence management software must be adapted to the regulations of the countries, such regulations can become very different in some cases, for example, maternity leave in many countries is usually counted in weeks, a few weeks before the woman goes to give birth and 8 more weeks after she gives birth, it is generally calculated as three months, but there are also countries where maternity leave can be 2 weeks after giving birth.

In addition to the need for control of keeping a record and providing the times indicated by law to each of our collaborators, there is also the presence of a current event that led us to isolate ourselves and use telework, the pandemic. Therefore, the management of absences will have to be transferred to virtuality.

Why is absence management important?

It is essential since in most countries the absences tend to be disabled due to illness, justified absences, unexcused absences, vacations.

All these absences will influence the final liquidation of an employee, for example: In companies, vacations tend to accumulate per year, but if an employee resigns or is dismissed before the year, they must be paid for said vacations if it was an unjustified dismissal. Also, in some places absences are used as part of the regulation.

They are not only used for vacations, but depending on the company they can adjust their regulations based on absences.

Types of absences

The classifications of absences are important since our collaborators receive a salary, which depends on the days or hours of work that they have fulfilled according to the law, without an order and a record of it, the collaborator maybe is paid a sum of money that does not correspond to their working days or, failing that, to be using rest days that the collaborator has by law.

  • Holidays

We are talking about the time that each employee receives as rest days by law, these absences are justified, but they must be planned in advance so that the team can organize and continue with the work.

  • Inability

For example, if one of the collaborators falls ill, he must go to the Social Security of his country to have a doctor treat him and diagnose him so that this absence becomes a disability.

  •  Unexcused absence

One of our collaborators may have a last-minute commitment to fulfill and does not attend work, at which point the immediate boss can mark that day as an unexcused absence. Even the registration of these absences can cause the employee to be fired, or his absence is reflected as a sanction in the payroll of the respective period.

  • Maternity

A pregnant woman will have her rest times and while she is on maternal rest her salary will come to her in full and without problems.

  • Leave without pay

This type of absence is when the collaborator requests a justified leave of absence, where the employer does not have to pay the employee's salary, however, he does keep his job while he is on leave.

Advantages of using absence software

  • Improve HR time performance

Because employees are able to manage their absences, the HR department will only have to accept or reject the leave request depending on the workload and what the employee's immediate leader says.

  • Employee satisfaction

The collaborator will be able to choose the days they need in advance from the software and know if they will be accepted or not, without having to physically look for their immediate leader or the HR department.

  • Country settings

In companies with collaborators in different countries, the absence system needs to allow adding different configurations depending on what the law of each one of them establishes.

  • Proper control

You will be able to keep control of the permissions of all your employees and consult them at any time, in addition to keeping an adequate record of the times that each employee has by law to rest.

  • Reports for Human Resources

A good absence system offers you reports of absences by type, region, department, among others. In this way, the HR department will be able to manage the rest times of the collaborators.

Odoo absences

  • Employee-generated absence requests

Each collaborator will be able to register their requests on their own, and HR managers will receive notification of each new request.

  • Approve or reject absence requests

Applications may be reviewed by the human resources department and by the immediate managers of the collaborators.

  • Customization of the different types of permits

You will have the possibility to edit the types of permissions or create permissions for special situations. 

  • Get permission reports

You will be able to obtain statistics on the number of permits per person, by department or area, and export them in PDF.

Maintain an adequate record and coordinate employee absences only with Odoo Absences.

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Odoo Studio es un módulo de la suite de Odoo que permite crear nuevas aplicaciones, así como editar módulos ya existentes para agregar los campos que tu empresa necesite, todo esto de una forma muy sencilla y en cuestión de minutos.