CMS: Should you use a Content Manager for your website?

A lo largo de este Blog Post te explicamos qué es un CMS, para qué lo puedes utilizar, qué características debe tener y algunos de sus beneficios. ¿Estás listo para aprender con nosotros?

Throughout this Blog Post, we explain what a CMS is, what you can use it for, what features it should have and some of its benefits.

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A few years ago the only option to create a web page was to start from scratch, with a more complex process that included the participation of different technical areas. Currently, we have the opportunity to evaluate the options to start our website other than from 0, thanks to the CMS, but what is a CMS?

The meaning of the acronym "CMS" is Content Management System this is a software that allows the creation, editing, and management of a web page in a fast, simple, and economical way. 

To make it an efficient manager, it was previously developed by a team of backend and frontend programmers, resulting in a form-type view in which we simply enter the information we require for a website. Its operation is simple:

  1. Choose a template that suits the needs of your project.

  2. Enter the information, previously collected, in the template.

  3. Publish your template or schedule the publication date.

These steps may vary depending on the CMS provider you are using..

There are different types of CMS platforms developed and designed with different characteristics for different purposes:

  • Static - There are CMS for the company to show certain content they want permanently, they are usually very easy to configure.

  • eCommerce - This type of CMS is more dynamic since it focuses on electronic commerce, security is prioritized since there is constantly money and products on the move.

  • Web content management (WCM) - It is an informative website.

  • Learning Management Systems (LMS) - This type of CMS is used to create and store the structure of a website for online classes.

  • CMS to create Wikis - These are web pages with an open editing system. A great example of this type of CMS is Wikipedia.

  • CMS with focus on forums - This type of CMS is directed towards the creation of forums, where there are topics and participants.

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How do I choose the best CMS for my company?

The best content manager for your company should be the one that suits your needs, analyze the following key points that you should take into account when choosing your CMS:

  • Define the needs of your project. What is the purpose of the website you want to create? Is it e-Commerce? Define what is the priority of your website. Establishing this point correctly is key to finding the perfect CMS for your company.

  • Support. Are you going to have technical staff? It is important to know what kind of assistance the CMS you are going to implement may need. It may happen that the CMS is perfect, but the support is in another language.

  • Easy to use. How much time are you going to spend understanding the tool? You must take into account that it must be adapted to your level of knowledge, some CMS are more intuitive and easy to use and it is not necessary to have some prior programming knowledge and there are other more advanced where it is required to have a certain level of knowledge.

  • Functions. What kind of features do you need for your website? Research which CMS is best suited to what you need, check if it has the plug-ins or extensions for what you need.

  • Scalability. You have to visualize the growth of your company, investigate if at some point you can add new plug-ins, modules, or functionalities not foreseen in the beginning.

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There are many benefits that you will find when using a CMS, below we will tell you about the main ones:

  • Low cost of implementation and maintenance.  In a CMS everything is usually cheaper, from implementation to updates and maintenance, this makes it a very good option in financial terms for your company.

  • It allows managing easily and quickly without the need for technical knowledge.
    A benefit of content managers is that they are very easy to develop, they allow you to create your page quickly and take advantage of all the functions they provide so that you can offer quality content to your users.

  • Efficient times. Thanks to its ease of use, you will be able to focus more on the creative strategy than to implement them, and you will not have to worry about the operational part.

  • Helps Usability. The structures of these websites are designed to be efficient, making the performance of the page have good usability and an excellent user experience.

  • SEO positioning. There are content managers that help to optimize SEO positioning and will help to improve your position in search engines.

In conclusion, a content management system will help you create a presence on the internet in a simple, inexpensive, and easy-to-use way, since it adapts to the content you want to implement, you can have all these benefits without the need to have any programming knowledge.

Get to know our content management system, schedule a free demo where we show it to you.


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Seguramente has escuchado miles de veces los términos “eCommerce” y “usabilidad” pero ¿Qué son?, ¡Nosotros resolvemos todas tus dudas! A lo largo de este blog te explicaremos qué es y cómo mejorarla.