Elearning: benefits for companies

El e-learning corporativo ofrece flexibilidad de aprendizaje para tus colaboradores y ayuda a reducir considerablemente los costos de la información. En este blog post te contamos los beneficios del e-learning para empresas, los tipos de contenido que puedes ofrecer y te contamos cómo Odoo puede volverse tu gran aliado para la formación de tus empleados.

The e-learning for companies offers flexible learning for your employees and helps reduce considerably the costs of information. In this blog post we will tell you the benefits of e-learning for companies, the types of content you can offer, and how Odoo can become your great ally for the training of your employees.

The term E-learning is the abbreviation of electronic learning, which refers to teaching and learning through the internet and technology. This kind of learning eliminates physical and temporal barriers, providing the opportunity to access any type of teaching through online platforms.

This teaching system has undoubtedly been on the rise in recent years, during the pandemic virtual learning experienced a 16% increase, while instructor-led training experienced a significant decline* Consequently, more than 64% of high school students are using online learning tools on a daily basis.* he e-learning is here to stay and certainly is a very powerful learning tool.

Benefits of e-learning for companies

The training and qualification of your collaborators is the first step to take your company to the next level. Here we share 5 benefits of e-learning in companies.

Lower cost

Using a software for training your collaborators decreases costs significantly, since there is no need for classroom expenses, snacks or other transfers that are required when training is in.  

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Provides a lot of flexibility to users, since they can access at any time as long as there is an internet connection, in many cases the applications are multi-platform so provides the ease of use on computers, tablets or phones. 

Updated content 

Updates to the study topic can be introduced quickly into the content, so that it will be continuously updated. 

Greater reach

If your company has collaborators in several countries the training or updates will be uniform, all you need is internet access and a digital device.

Adapts to needs

Help companies solve problems in real time. If it is necessary to make updates or improvements in certain areas, there is the possibility of creating the course and sending it in a shorter time to the collaborators so that they are aware of the new changes.

Offering e-learning content to your collaborators is undoubtedly an excellent option for the education and training of your work team. There are many possibilities and benefits that it brings to companies.

Types of e-learning content for companies

There are different types of content that you can use in your company, here are some that you should consider:


Giving a good induction to new collaborators is key to guaranteeing that they feel welcome from the first day, with e-learning they will be able to consult the necessary learning as many times as they require it.


The constant training of employees is key so that they are up- to-date on new technologies and tools. With an e-learning system they will have facilities to stay updated.


Sharing documents with relevant information for users is of great importance to emphasize the necessary knowledge in your collaborators.


Your collaborators will have the possibility to answer questions about the courses they take, it is a simple way to evaluate the knowledge acquired and an excellent opportunity for them to process everything they have learned.

You must bear in mind that each person learns and retains information differently, the best way to enhance the level of knowledge of your collaborators will be by creating e-learning content based on the needs of the users.

Odoo e-learning

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Odoo e-learning allows your company to organize digital content that you can turn into a course and invite your collaborators, clients or suppliers to participate in them, and you will have the facility to evaluate their understanding. Here are more benefits of Odoo e-learning:

Access to multimedia content

You will have access to more than 1,000,000 high-resolution images, photos and graphics that are totally copyright-free to make your content more attractive.


You can create one or more forums linked to your course, allowing members of your community to help each other.

Retention and Comprehension

Puedes agregar cuestionarios al final de tu contenido para verificar que los temas se comprendieron de la forma correcta. Estas pruebas pueden tener una o varias respuestas. 


Users who successfully complete a certification will be able to receive the certificate by email immediately.


Users have the ability to rate courses and leave comments, allowing you to understand what people think of your content.

E-learning platforms have become an important tool for companies, since they facilitate the learning of collaborators at a lower cost and allow better management and optimization of users' time.  

Start creating content that supports your collaborators

Financial statements: classification and types
Anteriormente hablamos sobre el propósito de las cuentas contables, donde las definimos como un medio para llegar a los estados financieros o contables de la empresa, en este blog post te hablaremos exactamente sobre ello, cuáles son los estados financieros, su clasificación, su importancia y cómo analizarlos.