Working at home

How to achieve a successful Home Office performance
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What is Home Office?

 It's a form of work from home that allows you to have several benefits. This openness in organisations allows benefits such as flexible hours, higher labor productivity, motivation in employees, savings in conmute and costs related to infrastructure, among others. In other words, the dream come true of employees, collaborators and companies. However, it is necessary have discipline as the main tool. Today, labor practices have changed radically as more and more people work from home.    

According to a  Gallup report published in NY Times, the number of workers whose manifested dedicate one or more days a week to work at home has been growing progressively since 2012.

Discipline is the key

Without discipline work from home can become a self-defeating option

If not done properly, the Home Office  modality may have a negative impact on your  job performance. If you want to implement a  Home Office effective and measurable scheme, you should have a clear work strategy that will be accomplish and, at the same time, a strong communication with your co workers about the responsibilities and guidelines to follow up. But, How to implement an effective work-at-home methodology? See below...


How do we achieve it effectively and efficiently?

Clear goals

  In the absence of direct supervision, employee and employer must be clear about what is expected to be achieved during the word day and comply in time and quality.

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It's important a constant and instant communication between team members. This will help report the progress activities on time in order to avoid the "missing person" impression through all collaborators.   

Avoid distractions

 Create a work environment conductive to work at home. Preferably a closed place, away from the distractions of television, pets and family members, which allows you to keep your personal and work life separate. Avoid being in common places that distract you, such as the living room, the dining room or just in front of the television. Do not let the things that develop in front of you take away your time. 

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Imagen de Odoo y bloque de texto

Set up your environment

Set up your workplace with proper illumination, confortable chair and desk according to the type of job to perform. The main goal is that the place be comfortable to work for several hours but at the same time it avoids you to fall asleep.


 It's mandatory to have a business class internet service which never has fails and be fast. On the other hand, you need a professional computer (not the family one) and other technological tools like a smartphone, printer, web cam, microphone and remote collaboration apps.

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Remember that responsibility and discipline are the most important values when the home office is made. Establish an office schedule and always keep in touch with supervisors and collaborators. The home office scheme doesn't imply having a lower level of professionalism. Don't combine work and personal tasks.  

Know yourself

 Evaluate if work at home is for you. Working at home can be an appropriate work structure for many people, however it may not be perfect for you. If you are one of these people who don't know when to stop working, have difficulty to concentrate, easy to be distracted, need of direct contact of your co-worker to work efficiently, the Home Office may not be for you.

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And in the end, What to do?

If in your company they have spoken to you or have suggested working for a few days under this modality, or when you are looking for a job you find the term home office in the vacancies, following this list of short tips will help you to take the first steps to what could be turn into your way of working for the rest of your working life, perform more and give that time to your family that you previously spent moving to an office.

At Vauxoo we believe and practice Home Office

If you want to know an extraordinary way to work and feel part of a team, check out our available openings

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