7 digital solutions to manage your company from home

Change the way of doing business and the operations of your company, to face crisis situations. Give continuity to your business and your activities.

With the accelerated global expansion of COVID-19, and taking measures aligned with the recommendations of the authorities of all countries, in which prevention regulations have been decreed to safeguard public health in the In the country, companies have opted for teleworking, also called  ‘Home Office,’ relying on the use of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems for business resource planning.

Thinking about that, we share and recommend  essential digital solutions to manage your company from home in front of COVID-19.

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1) Website

Esta herramienta te permitirá poder crear y diseñar su página web sin necesidad de contar con un diseñador y además, a través de un chat podrá contactar con las personas que se interesen por sus productos o servicios.  Asimismo podrás enlazarla a sus páginas en redes sociales: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, entre otras; y a través de ellas poder realizar tus ventas.

2) e-commerce

La venta por Internet es la mejor opción para evitar la aglomeración de personas Si bien durante el Estado de Emergencia solo se pueden hacer envíos de productos de primera necesidad y medicinas, si tú vendes otros productos puedes programar entregas para el mes de abril.  Cabe resaltar que este modulo le permite a tus clientes comprar en línea a través de tarjetas de crédito y recibir sus productos también vía DHL, Fedex, entre otras. 

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3) Invoicing 

This tool allows you to continue sending your vouchers quickly and safely: invoices, ballots, credit notes, debit notes and cancellation of electronic vouchers. Invoice automatically according to sales orders, delivery orders, contracts or time and material.

4) Human Resources  

With this application you can manage the daily expenses of your employees such as office supplies or any other expense concept. You will also be able to access the information of your staff regarding days worked, overtime, vacations, permits as well as selection and new hires.

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5) Project management

With this module, now that you have been working from home, you will be aware of each of the projects and activities carried out by each of your employees. For example, it lets you know what work each member of your team is doing and the availability of time they have to assign new tasks, as well as the possibility of sharing information such as jobs, documents and images.

6) Purchases

Through this application, you will be able to better manage with your suppliers, whether it is products or services, and you will make better purchase decisions based on promotions, quantities, offers and prices sent to you by your distributors. You will also have access to statistics and reports of your monthly purchases.

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7) Accounting

This tool will allow you to have in an orderly way your income and expenses, the daily billing in addition to being synchronized with your bank accounts. You can also keep track of your suppliers' invoices and schedule the next ones to pay. With an integrated accounting system you can save up to 90% of your time than managing it independently.

  Odoo is the best management software to run a business. Millions of satisfied users work better with their built-in applications. More than an ERP, it is a range of digital solutions with more than 10 thousand applications, which allows entrepreneurs to manage their business from home -either through a laptop or a smartphone- according to each of their needs, especially during this time of quarantine, like the one currently lived in the world.

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