Gestión de flotas vehiculares

A lo largo de este blog post te contamos lo que es la gestión de flotas, los beneficios de contar con un software que automatice sus procesos y te compartimos una herramienta que será de gran utilidad para tu empresa.

Throughout this blog post we tell you what fleet management is, the benefits of having software that automates the processes, and we share a tool that will be very useful for your company.

Managing a fleet of vehicles involves various resources that require daily and instantaneous monitoring, it involves both technological and human resources. A software specialized in fleet management will be your best ally, since its objective is to streamline and automate processes that will allow you to make more informed decisions at the right time.

But what exactly is fleet management? It is a process of management and organization of commercial vehicles. Some of the most common activities are based on vehicle maintenance control, driver management and recording of fuel consumption as well as its costs. 

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What activities does a fleet manager carry out?

Here are some of the most important activities carried out by a fleet manager:

  • Fleet monitoring

Knowing where the fleet is located is essential to guarantee the driver's safety, in addition to maintaining monitoring, it allows acting quickly in the event of unforeseen events.

  • Vehicle maintenance   

The fleet manager is in charge of managing the maintenance of each vehicle, always trying to keep them in the best possible condition so that their useful life is adequate.

  • Analysis of logistics data. 

Analyzing performance data enables fleet managers to make strategic decisions for continuous improvement. 

In addition, the fleet manager is in charge of keeping a record and control of various parameters, such as: the mileage of each car, the fuel, the number of vehicles in transit and the information of each driver.

A fleet manager performs various operations, where digital tools usually make a difference in their daily tasks, as they help to have a better control and record of the vehicle fleet.

5 Benefits that your company will obtain with fleet management software

There are several benefits to having specialized software in fleet management, below we share 5 benefits that your company will obtain when implementing it.

  • Reduction of fuel costs  

Thanks to the fact that a constant and detailed record of each fuel load is kept, a report is obtained, which allows you to make an analysis of its consumption so that you can make decisions for each vehicle and driver, planning routes and travel times.

  • Increase the useful life of your vehicles

The software keeps track of mileage and performance indicators for each car, which facilitates the identification of maintenance and fuel. This can significantly help the life of the vehicles.

  • Access to information

You will have access to information about vehicles and drivers in one place, and one of the great advantages is that you can upload information on fuel loads in real time, which will minimize errors and increase reliability.

  • Safety for the driver 

Constant monitoring of vehicle conditions helps ongoing maintenance to remain safe. 

  • Real-time vehicle monitoring     

It will allow you to have a history of the location of your entire vehicle fleet and track it online in real time.

You will be able to count on these and other benefits and thanks to them, you will reduce operating time and costs and increase productivity.

Odoo gestión de flotas

Thanks to its adaptability, structure and community, Odoo fleet management is for any company that operates with vehicles. 

  • Manage your vehicles

It allows you to manage all the characteristics of your company's vehicles, including their own characteristics such as brand, color, plate, fuel, among others.

  • Da un seguimiento

You will be able to have a follow-up where you will have the possibility to record the consumption and costs of each vehicle, and you will be able to consult it from any date or period of time quickly. 

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  • Analyze

It allows you to properly analyze the costs of the entire fleet and will offer you a quick analysis so that you can make decisions about the sustainability and performance of each vehicle.

  • Driver registration

You will be able to have a record of each driver, as well as their name, age and what vehicle they drive, this will allow you to have better control in your fleet management.

Thanks to a fleet management software you will be able to control, forecast and reduce costs

Ready to optimize your fleet?


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Conoce que es un CRM, los beneficios de implementarlo, cuáles son las funcionalidades que ofrecen los CRM líderes en el mercado y consejos para tener en cuenta antes de tomar una decisión.